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Top 5 Travel Content Writing Tips to Help You Improve Your Hotel’s Conversion

Digital marketing through content writing is a crucial marketing strategy for any type of business. While it sounds easy as it is done online, it can actually be more challenging than you think. This is especially true for hotel businesses.

With enhanced communication brought about by the internet, people can now book reservations in hotels online. Certainly, this is good news for hotel establishments. However, to make the most of the advantages, they will have to do extra efforts in online marketing.

There are many different online marketing strategies that you can use for your hotel business. In this article, we’re going to discuss the art of content writing. Here are top 5 travel content writing tips that you can use to improve your hotel’s conversion.

1- Personalize your Hotel website content.

One of the biggest challenges most hotels face today is having high bounce rates and low engagement rates. These problems happen when a hotel fails to focus on effectively telling their story. Most hotels focus more on adding images and other forms of visuals. While visual components do help make content attractive and engaging, nothing beats words that tell your hotel’s story.

Moreover, when telling your story, make sure to keep your name stand out from the crowd. Make your content unique and different from those of your competitors. Your visitors must be able to clearly understand the specifics that they can expect from your property. They must be able to grasp the difference between yours and your competitors’ hotels and decide to choose yours over others anyway. You can help direct your visitors to decide to go to your hotel by creating better, more personalized content for them to read, understand, and relate to.

Before writing content for your hotel’s website, gather information about your target visitors and create their buying personas through the use of analytics and surveys. By creating your hotel’s story according to your target guests’ buying personas, you will be able to generate better engagement and more conversions

2- Use sensory-rich adjectives.

The thing about travel content writing is that you need to write in such a way that you are able to bring your readers to the place you traveled to, and the best way to achieve that is through the use of sensory-rich adjectives.

As you know, adjectives give descriptions to just about everything. With adjectives, you can express your emotions towards your subjects. You can emphasize the excitement of your adventure, the thrill of wandering from place to place, and the beauty of nature in general. Adjectives are mere words, but they can do magic to your content. And by magic, it can mean more conversion to your hotel business.

3- Master the use of similes and metaphors to enhance imagery.

Figurative language is another incredibly important tool to use when writing travel writing pieces. It helps you give your writing a mature and rich impression. In a travel content, it’s essential to take words beyond their literal meaning, and figurative language gives you the power to do that and more.

Two of the easiest and most essential types of figurative language to use are similes and metaphors. These words compare unrelated things to create a sense of image to the readers. They make a piece of writing interesting by engaging the emotion-driven right brain.

The most common mistake travel content writers do when using similes and metaphors when crafting their travel content is using clichés that have been commonly used over and over again. Take note that you want your copy to be unique, interesting, and engaging to your readers. You basically want it to stand out. Therefore, you need to avoid inserting overused lines into your work in order to create a masterpiece.

4- Keep it simple and easy to read.

While it’s essential to use writing tools and techniques to make your copy engaging, it’s also important for you to take note that you must not compromise your content’s simplicity and reader-friendliness. When writing a travel content, you must keep the balance between integrating descriptive, evocative words and keeping sentences simple and easy to read.

With the goal of making their pieces extraordinary, writers sometimes tend to go overboard, ending up making a messy and complicated descriptive article. Break your content into short paragraphs, use subheadings to organize ideas, and relay your message in a descriptive and at the same time, simple and easy-to-read manner.

5- Put it all together.

Don’t forget to end your copy with a conclusion, and not just with an irrelevant conclusion. Conclude your story with a remarkable statement, summarizing all the necessary points. Also add some words that touch the emotions and somehow make the readers take action.


These tips are only a few of the many that you can use. Content writing is indeed a challenging task, but as soon as you’ve learned the tricks, you’ll be able to celebrate success in no time.

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